Friday, May 8, 2009

Charter 0f the Moral Renewal Movement

We have crossed the historic bridge from inequality and conflict to a society grounded in common citizenship and in pursuit of equality. We reflect on the diverse journeys and cultures that have brought us to liberation and democracy, and commit ourselves to those ideals and ethical values that unite us in our diversity.

Within this common commitment, born in struggle, dedicated to the healing of past wounds, affirming the dignity of all, and in pursuit of the social and material security of our people, we pledge ourselves to defend and uphold the values contained herein. We do so recognizing that our future is dependent on the protection of the environment and the welfare of all who live within the borders of our country.

Committed to our age-old culture and the principles which underlie our democracy and our Constitution, we dedicate ourselves as a nation to:

Respect of Human Dignity and Equality

Our Constitution affirms that human beings are born free and with equal dignity.

We commit ourselves to:

1. Respect the worth of all individuals, irrespective of social origin, religion, gender, age, status and class.

2. Fight against the physical and emotional harassment of women that result in any form of abuse.

3. Eradicate the abuse of children brought about by malnutrition, child labor, drug trafficking, pornography and prostitution.

4. Care for all who are weak and disadvantaged: the poor, the aged, the disabled, and all those unable to care for themselves.

. 5. Oppose any form of physical, emotional, and/or psychological abuse or ill-treatment of another human being.

6 Overcome the abuse of status, custom, culture, gender, sexual orientation, health-status, or tradition that leads to discrimination against another.

7. Work for the physical security and protection of all people.

Promote Freedom, the Rule of Law and Democracy

Individual freedom within the rule of law is the basis of justice, fairness, nation-building and good governance. We commit ourselves to:

1. A sense of social responsibility by respecting the rule of law, honesty, hard work and set standards of ethical decency.

2. Fight against all forms of crime, corruption and violence.

3. Strive for national unity and the indivisibility of the Republic.

Improve Material Well-being and Economic Justice

The socio-economic rights that are part of our Constitution must be seen as more than mere inspirational rights. Policy and programs are needed to provide the poor with opportunities to achieve human dignity and material well-being. We commit ourselves to:

1. Overcome the entrenched inequalities of the past and present, and to promote opportunities for everyone to share the resources of our country.

2. Oppose greed, selfishness and undue self-enrichment at all times.

3. Overcome corruption, whether driven by personal gain, dishonesty, favouritism, nepotism or other motivations.

4. Foster transparency in government and business through timely, accessible and accurate information on all matters affecting public life.

5. Ensure competent and fair management and employment practices.

Enhance Family and Community Values

Family and community are core socializing units that inspire and create the moral and ethical values in society. We commit ourselves to:

1. Promote family values, fidelity, responsibility, respect for parents and elders, nurturing of children, support for the elderly, and the development and maintenance of the household.

2. Fight against domestic violence and the neglect of family responsibilities, whether due to do substance abuse, cultural belief or gender discrimination.

3. Cultivate a family and communal environment that promotes a culture of care and generosity.

4. Use resources efficiently and equitably to the benefit of all family and community members.

5. Benefit others as well as ourselves through personal growth and acquisition of skills.

Uphold Loyalty, Honesty and Integrity

Loyalty, honesty and integrity are the essential values of democracy and good governance. We commit ourselves to:

1. Interact sincerely, openly and honestly.

2. Promote and encourage good relations, mutual trust and social coexistence across the historic divisions that characterise the past.

3. Use the judicial system to punish all forms of criminality.

Ensure Harmony in Culture, Belief and Conscience

The Filipinos ethnic diversity has the capacity to inspire and enrich a culture and value system that can sustain the values embodied in this Charter. We commit ourselves to:

1. Promote freedom of conscience, religious tolerance and the acceptance of different ideological persuasions without prejudice or favor.

2. Promote independent critical thinking and a culture of participatory debate.

3. Promote respect for the beliefs and value systems of others.

4. Promote the right of every citizen to give expression to his or her views without fear of censure, intimidation or harassment.

5. Oppose all forms of prejudice, whether individual, corporate or through membership or association with an organization that undermines the integrity of others.

6. Promote equal opportunities for all persons including disabled people and those suffering from diseases.

Show Respect and Concern for all People

Respect, care, hospitality and concern are among the pre-eminent values characteristic of the Filipino people. We recognize that there can be no peace or security without respect and care. We commit ourselves to:

1. Refrain from using derogatory language and abusive labels in our interactions with others.

2. Promote peace, friendship, tolerance and national unity among cultural, religious and linguistic communities.

3. Show respect to all individuals and social groups.

Strive For Justice, Fairness and Peaceful Co-Existence

Peaceful co-existence requires justice, fairness and mutual respect as a basis for national reconciliation. The healing of past prejudices and divisions is required to ensure the promotion of democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights for all. We commit ourselves to:

1. Counter aggressive and rude behavior with respect and understanding.

2. Oppose individuals and groups that seek to disturb the peace, stability and security of the nation through prejudiced and/or undemocratic behavior.

3. Provide social and other services in an impartial, fair, equitable and unbiased way to all people.

Remembering the hostilities and prejudices that characterized our past, we recognize the fragility of social relations in our democracy. This requires the affirmation of such set moral values to which all peace-loving Filipinos can aspire as a basis for reaching out to one another in the spirit that gave our nation birth –- knowing that the Philippines belongs to all Filipinos.

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